Chris Mattison
STATICTICIANS, published with Alan Davies
$6.50 ppd. (sold out)

Christopher Mattison is Managing Editor of Zephyr Press and Co-editor of the series Adventures in Poetry. Ugly Duckling Presse released his translations of the Russian poet Dmitri Prigov, 50 Drops of Blood in an Absorbent Medium, and his Collected Short Fiction of Venedikt Erofeev is forthcoming from Twisted Spoon Press in Prague.


Lock speed and well
       this wooly gambit

marigolds      hiving   then more
       of what may have appeared
trysting in other annuals

What’s loosed along rookeries?
       basalt aspiring to cobble
capons to dirigibles

seen through last Sunday’s
back of the hill luminaria
and with this nude
       view of everything
you’d already     no     now one

a mentionable grace and duration
       a semblance of grins
in fey natural lights

O corruptible penny laments
       look toward the lawn
in something blousy

owing to dawdlers
       and lilywhites
and what love some boys give