Roberto Harrison
$6.50 (sold out)
Roberto Harrison was born in Corvallis, Oregon, in 1962, to Panamanian parents. A few months after his birth, he and his family moved back to Panama, where they lived until he was seven. In 1969, he and his family moved to Delaware. His first language was Spanish, and he did not begin learning English until arriving in Delaware. He has lived in various places throughout the United States including Boston, Bloomington, Indiana and San Francisco. He now lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he works as a Systems Librarian. He edits Crayon with Andrew Levy, and the Bronze Skull Press chapbook series.


from splash run, dear toO

steal them softly
from the tree
pasted to your marathon
of covers
and calculated
truce.     mark up

the unworn,
the fuse,
the memory
of lava ponds
for the Cuna,
they drop
down your cheeks.

the wall that holds them
forms a map
in small pieces. i walk
through Atlantic foam,
let the tunnels hold
your fur – we place
the moving
inside cold streams
through black holes
& faded faces.