Jonas Mekas
$12.50 ppd.

Jonas Mekas is the founder and the artistic director of the Anthology Film Archives. As well, he founded The Film Makers Cooperative and Film Culture magazine. Mekas has written film reviews for the Village Voice since 1958. He was heavily involved with artists such as Andy Warhol, Nico, Allen Ginsberg, Yoko Ono, John Lennon, Salvador Dalí, and fellow Lithuanian George Maciunas. He has made narrative films, documentaries and diary films, such as Walden (1969), Lost, Lost, Lost (1975), Reminiscences of a Voyage to Lithuania(1972), and Zefiro Torna (1992). In 2001, he released a five-hour long diary film entitled As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty, assembled by hand from an archive of fifty years worth of recordings of his life. Peter Sempel filmed Jonas Mekas in the film Jonas in the Desert (1994). He lives in Brooklyn.



roadside icon
hilltop cross
heart of a bell

the field rye
the linden limb
the forest moss

city gates
dusty footpath
blood duct

viper’s foam.