Miranda Mellis
$8 ppd. (sold out)
Miranda Mellis is the author of The Revisionist (Calamari Press) which was short listed for The 2007 Believer Book Award and published in translation in Italy (Il Revisionista, Nutrimenti). Her work has appeared in various publications including Harper's, Tin House, Post Road, Denver Quarterly, Fence, and The Kenyon Review. She is an editor at The Encyclopedia Project and lives in her home town of San Francisco where she teaches writing at the California College of the Arts.


Spends several days at a time tramping through the woods or wading
through streams on hunting or fishing excursions.

Disappeared one night. Inner side of her thigh, with a sharp point. Now faces
arrest. Red mark, excursive outsider. Meetings called. Searchers, the new
disciplinarians, meet them. They are the next big true. He asserts something that
we cannot call older, or more real. A living and known everyday. "You can't have
no life at all no more outside the law. You got to pay the play." No one to answer
to, no answers to get wrong, only the wrong plant to eat. A man risks a paralysis,
accidents. Perhaps a preferable trap for trapper.